A Sweet Tribute

A Sweet Tribute

I have always been fascinated by how the use of physical structures within a community evolves over time, allowing a place to find new purpose and engagement with its residents. When those buildings become historic, the connection between the past and the present becomes tangible. And sometimes it becomes sweet. The Candy Factory (now known…

Among the Trees

Among the Trees

It’s a new year. Each year we shed the gunk from the last twelve months, brush ourselves off, and prepare our attitudes for another go around the sun.  We attempt to find better attitudes, more willpower, extra tenacity—a well-meaning, Auld Lang Syne tradition, I suppose. This year, it seemed, I had an extra layer of…

Christmas Exuberance

Christmas Exuberance

The Christmas spirit is a funny and ephemeral thing. Sometimes it’s found in the twinkling lights, sometimes at the Santa visit, and sometimes at the table while eyeing the Christmas turkey. In our family, it showed up through the gifts and yes, there was a special tradition attached (of course). Our family always attempted to…

The Power of Ta-Da!

The Power of Ta-Da!

I’ve never been a fan of the circus. My last visit was in the fifth grade. After receiving a good report card, I was treated to a day with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum Baily’s Greatest Show on Earth! Gone were the big tents and the weird, sideshow menageries, but the extravagance and festive nature…

No, I’ve Got This!

No, I’ve Got This!

Chocolate on my shirt and a melting candy bar in my hand. I’d made a mess, and I hate messes, plus I’d been caught wiping that chocolate onto my clean, white shirt. As a firstborn, my mother supposedly kept me ultra clean, whisking me away from the slightest mess to put me into another outfit…